Discussion week twelve -NGOs tell World Bank that Bujagali Dam is "too flawed" and IRN's Bujagali Campaign and NYT article handout on back of study guide.

Questions for discussion:

Tuesday: Know the pros and cons associated with building the dam -- think of reasons as to why some people would want to build the dam (AES/dam supporters) and others would not (people living in the area to be flooded upstream of the dam, and those living downstream on the Nile river). You will defend one of the following positions in a debate, and have been assigned by last name beginning with (A-G) AES/dam supporters, (H-L) people living upstream, (M-Z) people living downstream.

Thursday: You will defend one of the following positions in a debate, and have been assigned by last name beginning with (A-H) elite, (I-M) peasants living along the bank, and the (N-Z) government. Be prepared to discuss the pros and cons of the damn construction for your group.

Friday: While doing the reading, pay close attention to the companies’ names and keywords in the articles. Make sure to know how the dam project affects the indigenous people as well as what the pros and cons are with the building of the dam.