City College of San Francisco___________________________
Earth Sciences

Geography 4 - Spring 2003

Study Guide for the first Midterm

Weeks ONE & TWO
Key Terms:
map, thematic map, cartogram, scale, projections, globe, axis, pole, latitude/longitude coordinates, site and situation, exact/relative location, distance decay, context (cultural, historical and spatial), process, boundary, ecology, four types of regions: 1) formal region, 2) nodal or functional region, 3) perceptual or vernacular region, 4) natural region.
Study Questions:
Define the word "map", Define "perspective", Define "scale" What would be the specialty of an area studies specialist? (a regional geographer). How does the 'Man-Land' tradition differ from the Earth Sciences Tradition? How are flat map projections created? How are they distorted and why? How does scale limit the amount and type of information that can be shown on a map? Distinguish between different types of regions. How do the borders of different regions differ? Why aren't Americans better acquainted with the geography of the U.S.?

Key Terms:
GIS, overlay, spatial analysis, distance decay, culture.
Study Questions:
How did New Jersey use GIS to prove its rights to most of Ellis Island? How can you answer geographic questions using overlay analysis?  Why were early maps of the Americas so wrong?

Key Terms:
urban sprawl, mass transit, automobility, commute, suburbanization, urban morphology, perception/mental map, demographics, census data, social construct, suburbanism, social prejudice, gentrification, cultural community, impact fee, . (Urban Geography links)
Study Questions:
How did changes in transportation technology change the morphology and size of North American cities? How did the cultural geography of American cities change? What factors influence the contents of an individual's personal perception map? Why do so many minorities and single people live in the inner city? Why are the suburbs often so culturally homogenous? What are the two main causes of segregation? What does gentrification involve?  How does the new mayor of Las Vegas, hope to raise more money to pay for infrastructure in the city? Why were skyscrapers popular during the Industrial Revolution? Why are they considered outdated today?