Assignment H: Explaining population growth

(due August 2)

In ATC 304 get into your regional groups. Turn on two or three computers side by side. On one computer open ESRI World Thematic Data , and on the other, open the locally installed ArcVoyager, and read the Guide that appears, to learn the basics of using this GIS. When you get to the Point Me section, choose the Human Geography project, and click on the magnifying glass icon near the top to open the project.

Using these resources, analyze the population statistics for your region focusing on population growth as natural increase. Find the country with the lowest rate of natural increase, and the one with the highest. Then compare other social statistics that might help explain the pattern.

Additional information about each country can be viewed and manipulated using the tables in the ArcVoyager. Click on the theme in the legend, then click on the "'open table" button above. The raw statistical data is portrayed in spreadsheet format.

Final map and essay:

The final product of this assignment should be an essay and maps that illustrate your main points. Your final essay should include analysis of the contrast in population growth rates in your selected countries, and a summary of what you learned. What accounts for the difference in growth rates?? Please spell out exactly how you arrived at your conclusions.

To submit the essay on disc: the final illustrated essay must be saved as an html document and submitted as 2 copies on 2 discs. **To copy map images, try the alt & print screen buttons to copy the browser window, then past it into Word or a graphics program.

To submit the essay on paper: If you do not know enough about computers to illustrate the essay, simply print out the maps, cut and manually paste your assignment together.


Hand in the answers to your questions along with all of the maps and other data used in your research. Don't forget to include full citations and a bibliography to tell me where you got your maps and other information. For more information, please read how to hand in assignments.

related links:

Demography and population

Population Geography from

Population Clocks-U.S. Census Bureau

Animated population pyramid for the U.S.