GEG 10 Introduction to Human Geography - De Anza College - Summer 2000


NAME__________________________ Regional Group___________________________

You must keep track of your grade by filling in this form throughout the quarter, and hand it in at the final exam. If done correctly, this sheet will count as one of the required assignments. Please save all graded assignments in a folder until you are satisfied with your final grade for the course.

List grades for Quizzes. DROP YOUR LOWEST MAP QUIZ GRADE (cross out the one you dropped)

Map Quiz #1 __________ out of 60

Map Quiz #2 __________ out of 60

Map Quiz #3 __________ out of 60

Map Quiz #4 __________ out of 60

Map Quiz #5 __________ out of 60

Map Quiz #6 __________ out of 60

Top five quizzes totaled __________ out of 300 (write in below)

List grades for REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS: Fill in specifically what you did for each.

1. ____60_____ out of 60 - Assig. K - This Grade Tally Sheet (mandatoy)

2. ___________ out of 60 - ____________________________________________________

3. ___________ out of 60 - ____________________________________________________

4. ___________ out of 60 - ____________________________________________________

5. ___________out of 60 - __presentation (mandatoy)_______________________________

__________ REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS - scores totaled -->out of 300

__________ Top five map quiz scores totaled --> out of 300

__________ Midterm exam --> out of 150

__________ Participation --> out of 100

__________ Subtotal

__________ Final exam --> out of 150


__________ TOTAL SCORE: out of 1000

 A = 900-1000  B = 800-899   C = 700-799  D = at least 600