Lecture notes for

Development of core areas

Early core areas & agriculture hearths develop where there is

Agriculture allowed:greater population density changes in

The first cities are centers of

Hydraulic societies invest heavily in
irrigation and terraced fields

Tiwanaku culture of the Andes - canals of water surround raised fields to keep crops from freezing at high altitude.
Inca empire built terraced fields to farm steep slopes. Roads and a Quipu (knotted twine) accounting system were used for communication.

Rivers provide alluvial soils through yearly floods

Water also provides access to trade

World trade centers:port cities and central places

Industrial location during the industrial revolutions

1st wave:
water, wind, and wood

2nd wave:
steel, resources, rails

3rd wave
electricity and telecommunications

20th century - Example of the shift from the manufacturing belt to the sun belt in the U.S.

New technologies produce:

Production becomes more flexible and footloose

Example: change in automobile production

Multinational / Transnational Corporations have global operations

Global commodity chains

Examples: Mitsubishi and Volksvagen