Project 1 - Remote Sensing and counter mapping with the Borneo Project


Copy the "borneo#.jpg" file to your disc. Choose the Borneo file that has the same last number as the computer you are working on.

Open up ArcView 3.2, and choose 'open new view.' We are not yet ready to add data, so click no. Under the 'file menu' choose 'extensions.' In the dialog under available extensions, scroll down to find "JPEG (JFIF) Image Support" and click the box to put a check next to it. Click ok.

Now you are ready to bring in the image. Click the 'add theme' button. At the bottom left of the dialog, you will find a pop-up menu for "data source types." Choose 'Image Data Source' from this menu, then navigate to where you have the borneo#.jpg file saved and open it.

You should get a satellite image of a rainforest area with roads. This is what you will be tracing to generate a new shapefile of the roads. Roads show up as white or light green, (rivers are either red or black).

Following the directions from the handout from Ex. 4: Creating and Editing Data in Arcview - A New Line Theme and trace the roads. Save the new shapefile as the first five letters of your last name (smith.shp). Refer to the handout on "snapping" for more details on getting roads properly connected together.

File management: to avoid losing data

Be sure to 'save edits' often (under the theme menu). It is also a good idea to alternate saving the shapefile onto two discs. To save it in a new location with a new name, choose 'save edits as' from the theme menu. Then navigate to the alternate drive and save it with a new name each time you do this (smith1.jpg, smith2.jpg, etc.) This way, if a file becomes corrupt, or a disc goes bad, you will never lose much work.