Final map portfolio - 300 points

due the last day of class

FAQs about the portfolio

The purpose of this portfolio is to give you practice in creating, saving, and presenting maps and projects using ArcExplorer.

Requirements: 3 maps/projects

Map 1 - Make a thematic map using ArcExplorer Web and save it to your ESRI Global Account. Submit both a printout (black & white) of the map, and the HTML code associated with recreating the current map (the web address where it can be accessed from can be obtained using the "Create Link to Map" button).

Directions: for saving & printing maps and submitting the html code.
Once you are happy with your map in ArcExplorer Web, click on the ?save map? button (second from the right). You will be prompted to login to your ESRI global account. Once logged in, you will be asked to give your map a name, and then you can save the map. To print out the map, just click on the print map button on the far right. A new browser window will come up with the map and a proper legend below. Then choose print from the file menu on the upper left. Be sure to write your name at the top of the printout.
To generate the html code which links to your saved map, click the ?create link to map? button (be sure the map is open in ArcExplorer web). A small window with the code should appear. Highlight all of the html code in the window and then click control-c to copy it to the clipboard. I don?t want to retype this code, so DO NOT submit this code as a printout. Please either paste the code into a word document to be submitted on disc, and/or paste the code into an e-mail message with the subject heading ?GIS 302 link to map - NAME?
*To open a saved map on your account, click the ?open saved map button? (third from the right). If you are logged in, you should get a list of the maps you have saved. Click on the title of the map you want to open.

Map 2 - Save a project (.aep) using ArcExplorer 2 and the data on the CD that accompanies the textbook. You should combine at least three different datasets from the "data" folder on the CD to create a unique ArcExplorer project. The projects will be copied to the instructor's zip disk the last day of class.

Projects should be assembled and saved on the computers at school. Open ArcExplorer 2 and click the ?add themes to view? button. Navigate to the ?data? folder on your CD. You can find appropriate datasets only in the following folders: ?intl? , ?namerica? , ?usa? , ?world.? Choose complementary datasets that can be combined into a meaningful map using the transparency tool if necessary. Once you are happy with your project, click on the ?save project? button (third from the upper left). Save the project to your disc (floppy or zip disc) and give the project your last name (e.g. 'forsberg.aep').

Map 3 - Make a map that shows the results of an analysis of the tabular census data from your area. Download the dataset for your zip code as directed on page 119. Then, using the tools you have learned so far (such as the query builder) perform an analysis of the census data by answering a question you have about the people in your area (where are . . .) Submit both a map of the results, and a paragraph explaining the original research question, the method of analysis, and a description of the results.

You must submit both a printout of the final map (black & white), and a word document with a bitmap image of the final map* - to be copied to the instructor's disk the last day of class. Additional data may be used from the ESRI datasets available on the computers in lab, the CD, and other online sources.

*To save a bitmap image of the map, maximize the ArcExplorer window so it fills the computer screen. Once you are happy with the look of the map, press and hold the "alt" key while pressing the "print screen" key. This will copy the entire window to the clipboard. Then, open MS Word and choose "paste special" under the edit menu to place the image.

Note: The program doesn't save the highlighted results of the query, but you can print directly from the program before clearing those results, and you can either copy the highlighted results on the map to the clipboard (and paste it into Word) or you can save directly to a bitmap image file - which can be inserted into a Word document. Just try choosing print from the file menu (or control-p), or choose 'copy to clipboard' or 'copy to file' from the edit menu.

Each map and project must have a proper title and proper bibliography of the metadata (tell me what kind and where the data came from).