Vista College___________________________

Geography 10 - Spring 2003

Study Guide for the First Midterm

Weeks ONE and TWO
Key Terms:
geography, systems theory, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, dynamic equilibrium, threshold, inputs & outputs, matter and energy, positive and negative feedback, photosynthesis.
Study Questions:
If geography is both a natural science and social science, what distinguishes it from other disciplines? How is a system defined? Explain how all systems are composed of smaller subsystems, and are a part of larger systems. What kind of feedback keeps a system in balance? How do plants take carbon out of the atmosphere and store it in the lithosphere?

Key Terms:
global climate change, greenhouse gasses, (carbon compounds-CO2-Carbon Dioxide, CFC's, CH4-Methane, etc.), sugar = carbohydrates, photosynthesis, respiration, fossil fuels = hydrocarbons, salt flushing, carbon sink.
Study Questions:
What is the greenhouse effect, what human processes are contributing to it, and what are its potential implications?, Which places will be most affected by potential sea level rise?, What are greenhouse gasses, and how do they act as the planet's atmospheric insulator? How are oceans and plants related to carbon levels in the atmosphere? How might global warming actually lead to regional cooling in Europe? What are other predicted effects of global warming? What course of action is recommended ending-and reversing-global warming?

Weeks FOUR and FIVE
 Key Terms:
site and situation, exact/relative location, distance decay, context (cultural, historical and spatial), map, thematic map, isoline, scale, projection, globe, axis, pole, latitude/longitude coordinates, GIS, overlay, spatial analysis, raster, vector.
Study Questions:
Define the word "map", Define "perspective", Define "scale" How does scale limit the amount and type of information that can be shown on a map? How are flat map projections created? How are they distorted and why? Why is it important to match the projection to the purpose of the map? How did New Jersey use GIS to prove its rights to most of Ellis Island? What is the difference between a GIS and a map? What are the two ways of storing geographic information in a GIS?