Assignment 2C:

Representing and Constructing Places

due October 19

The Internet now serves as an important means of representing and constructing places. Most cities, regions, states, and nations now have their own Web pages. A source of places online is City.Net and Yahoo's regional index. These sites include both commercial and non-commercial sites and are listed in the Organization for Community Networks.

For this exercise select two web sites from the same place (preferably one commercial and one non-commercial). Describe the manner in which place is represented, with a focus on issues discussed in your text. Compare and contrast the two sites you have selected, concluding with a summary of how the same place can be represented differently based on different purposes. Please write a formal essay following these guidelines: evaluation of essay assignments

This exercise is from the textbook website: Chapter 6 - Critical Thinking

instructions on how to hand in assignments

citations and bibliographies

evaluation of essay assignments

geography research on the web